AEA Ignite

Ignite grants support early-stage research commercialisation through competitive grants of up to $500,000 for a maximum period of 12 months. These grants are available for researchers at Australian universities to complete basic research, laboratory testing and establish proof-of-concept in an industry-relevant environment.

Grants are awarded through a competitive process that focusses on projects with research translation and commercial potential that is aligned with Australian Government identified priority areas of the economy, outlined in the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation (Priority Areas) Declaration 2023.

Within these priorities, this first round of Ignite Grants will prioritise projects that align with one of the following 6 focus areas:

As outlined in the AEA Advisory Board’s Annual Investment Plan 2024-25, the focus areas directly contribute towards areas of national priority and will capitalise on important opportunities in areas of Australian economic advantage, such as refining and processing of critical minerals, renewable hydrogen, and green metals.

Technology readiness level and proof of scale

The TRL index is a globally accepted research commercialisation benchmarking tool. It tracks development through the early stages of innovation chain, from blue sky research (TRL 1) to actual readiness for commercial use (TRL 9). AEA uses the Department of Defence TRL scale. This is available to applicants to work out the stage the project is currently at and where it can go with AEA funding.

Ignite supports projects that commence at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3, 4 or 5. There is no requirement for Ignite applications to move to a higher classification of TRL by completion but progress within a TRL must be demonstrated.

These grants are for proof-of-concept. Proving proof-of-concept happens after completion of basic research and testing. It’s where research is put it to the test in an environment that closely resembles the conditions that will be encountered with industry. It allows for validation of ideas, ensuring that they are viable and practical. It’s about demonstrating that what has been developed during the research phase can be implemented successfully in a real-world scenario.

AEA Seed funding previously awarded to projects will count towards the total $500,000 project cap on Ignite grants.

AEA Ignite round 1

Applications for AEA Ignite round 1 have now been finalised. More than $59 million was allocated to 28 universities across Australia to support 155 critical research commercialisation projects of national interest. To find out more, read the news announcement.

Industry engagement

AEA Ignite grant applications must demonstrate the project has a level of industry engagement and a pathway to commercialisation. This can include funding or in-kind support. Projects with commercial investment partners are likely to be more competitive. Applications must have a minimum contribution of 10% of the total budget in cash and/or in-kind support from any partner organisation.